Today we celebrate the only Fowler nieces (we’ve got lots of nephews) 9th birthday. It is hard for me to believe that much time has really passed; I remember the day they were born clearly. It was an early morning phone call that startled me awake. I heard my parents rushing about and I got out of bed to hear them talk about the twins coming early- 10 weeks early. Dashing around the house, I got ready to go with them and become an aunt. Excitement and nervousness filled my stomach as we drove to Pocatello where Carrie was being transported too. She went in for that emergency C-section and soon after, they wheeled those tiny little girls in their incubators to the NICU. It was then that I got scared. These babies were TINY. The size of a dollar bill weighing 2lbs 12 oz and 3 lbs 3 oz. But they were fighters and quickly gained the strength and weight needed to leave.
9 years later, here we are in Colorado playing games, eating chocolate fondue, and taking them to Lucky Fins for crab, to celebrate their birthday. They are still fighters, go-getters, and busy. We are so happy to have spent this time with them and the things we’ve gotten to know better about them!! Last night, Logan and I took these two out for crab and it was one of my favorite moments with them. It was a surprise to them that we were taking them there, but those great big hugs they gave us at the end was totally worth it even though I strongly dislike seafood. Today Katelyn and Kylie, there is no place we’d rather be than here, celebrating with you. Happy birthday!!
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