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JJ + Emily | Arizona Engagements

I met Emily about 2.5 years ago when I went home with Logan and his little sister was home from college. I was beyond terrified to meet her because her opinion was important and from what I had heard, Logan and Em were really close. If I wasn’t someone she liked it was a no go. Thankfully I passed her test and now here I am blogging her engagements and getting ready for her wedding in 8 weeks!! I was in a class with Emily that we both hated when she went on her first date with JJ. Of course we were going to sit in the back and talk about that instead of listen to the teacher… Oops!! She thought he was fun and pretty nice. Then there was more dates. And then I met him at and they came over to my house to eat. Emily is really important to me and so I knew that I wanted to make sure that I thought this boy was good enough for her.

Well, he passed my test. JJ and I became great friends and in between classes we would sit at a table and he would tell me about things he wanted to do for Emily and how he felt about her. And I knew that he would make her so very happy and that he would take care of her. One day he kind of casually mentioned when the times comes I am going to want your help with things and from that moment on I had been waiting, patiently waiting for it to all happen. And now that’s over and you’re here! Just patiently reading to see these amazing pictures.

JJ is in Arizona doing an internship and Emily went down to be with him and our sister for a month. While I was down there for a wedding we took some time to get their engagements done and they were incredible!! Their pictures spanned over 3 days. We took most of them one day and then did some more another day and then it rained.. Actually it poured and Emily didn’t have to ask me twice to go out in the rain to take some pictures for her.

 It’s the little in between candid moments that make my heart so happy!
This bench was too good!
 A favorite!
 Oh gosh Emily, you are beautiful!! I can’t get over the one on the right
 I turned around to pick up my bag and move and I turn back around to this! Bam!
 These Arizona sunsets were so beautiful!
 This is should be blown up on a canvas!
 One of the last shots of the night- the sunset reflected perfectly
 Day 2
 Heart swoon! Love the look on her face
This was her real diamond, but JJ had her ring custom made! She just got it and can I just say, DANG! It’s amazing! So enjoy her beautiful diamond and soon we’ll share her real ring!
Wow Emily!
Loved this location!
 Day 3- After the wedding reception is was POURING. And it is one of Emily’s favorite things to play in the rain…

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