I have ALWAYS wanted to host a Christmas party and this year with it being some of our friends last Christmas here in Rexburg, we decided to give it a go! I think being with friends and family at this time of the year is the best way to celebrate!! Some of these friends have seen us through high school, others came into our lives at college, and now it doesn’t matter what part of our life they are from, it only matters that we can call them friends and have the greatest time with them playing Minute to Win It Games and getting white elephant presents!
We played different Minute to Win It games, voted on Ugly sweaters, and played the white elephant game and it was so much fun. We all got into the competitive spirit and laughed at each other and ourselves for how ridiculous it all was. Jason and Missy were the grand champions in the Minute to Win It competition.
Tyson and Jessika won the Best Couple Combo Ugly Sweater
Bryton won the All Around UGLY sweater
Savannah won the Most Original sweater
And Missy won the Too Pretty To Be Ugly sweater
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