One of my favorite things to photograph other than our incredible couples, is the wedding ring. I love looking at rings, seeing the way they sparkle, getting to know the back story to the ring like who picked it out, how this design came up, etc, and because rings are seriously SO beautiful. I love wiggling my fingers after just washing my hands with foamy soap (seriously it works) and making my ring sparkle like crazy. Believe it or not, We have never photographed the same ring twice and to me that is awesome. We have shot gold, white gold, rose gold, and combinations of rose and white gold, just for brides rings. There are so many unique designs and looks that rings can have.
I knew that when I started taking pictures at weddings, I wanted to give ring shot images that made the bride’s ring come to life and be the attention of the image. In the past year, I have really started feeling comfortable and giddy about ring shots, but sometimes when I get to edit them, I have noticed coloring in the diamond from what I was wearing, what I was by or anything that the diamond can reflect. For me, that was really distracting and took away from that WOW factor with these shots. Now I know how to fix it and I want to share some tips with you on how to do it!
Here’s how I fix it (editing in Lightroom)-
First I will make sure to remove any chromatic aberration with that section in the develop module. Check that box and then play with the sliders to see if there are is any purple or green “haze” disappearing. Secondly, I will use the the brushes section of the develop module and set it up for a desaturation and brush it onto the diamond and/or band depending on what is needed in the image. It takes away all those unwanted colors and makes the entire ring just really POP on it’s own. This is a great way to go instead of selecting the green slider and completely desaturating all of the greens in an image, try using the brush module! Brush on “desaturation” to the diamond. That will take out all of those pesky colors and leave you with a beautiful colorless diamond. Hopefully that all makes sense! Here are a few before/afters to see the difference!
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