Wedding photos and videos for the genuine, joyful, and classic couples, who are celebrating not only their wedding, but their marriage surrounded by their family and friends
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Why We’re Moving

If you haven’t heard the news, we are finishing our move out of Rexburg to Shelley next week! And if we are being totally honest, we don’t know why we’re moving. For those of you who are not aware, we are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We believe that through the Holy Ghost, we can have promptings and impressions to help us make decisions and to help guide us in our actions. This was one of those times that a prompting came clearly to both of us. It was in January that we knew we were supposed to move to Shelley and live with my parents. Not to worry, we know that everything is going to work out!! It isn’t too far of a move (around 30 minutes) and the move so far has been fairly easy, which we are so thankful for. Even though I’ve had a couple months of knowing this moving was going to happen, it hasn’t felt real until the last week. We’ve spent some time just sitting in the different areas of our little apartment “home,” just thinking back on all the memories we’ve made here. Our lives have been blessed the past 2.5 years living where we have, and we have grown and our lives have been forever changed because of the opportunities we had here. Here are just a few memories we’ve been talking about the past week-

While we lived in our first apartment, we felt like we weren’t supposed to renew our lease, but we also knew our names weren’t at the top of the list for our current apartment. We let our lease come up anyways, and we moved to Shelley then too. We lived there for just a few weeks when we got the call that we could move into our current apartment. As we moved all of our things in and family members drove up trucks and cars full of things to help us be fast and efficient, their cars all got booted as we moved everything inside the apartment. We were making memories here from day 1.

We spent summer afternoons on blankets in our “back yard” area having picnics with friends and family. This past summer, we could be found in the front yard area playing Spikeball while all the kids were inside taking naps and riding our long boards all around the parking lot. Plus, there is an awesome hill to ride down, 1 street over!

There was that one time we stayed up until 4:00 in the morning because we had to know how Friday Night Lights ended.. it was a serious Netflix binge night.

Our kitchen floor was well used as we would spend time dancing with each other there often.

Then there was the time that we went to Hawaii with friends we met at this apartment complex. When we came home, our washing machine had been leaking… That was fun

We’ve been in the same ward since moving in and we’ve watched it grow and change in so many ways. Both of us have had great callings and enjoyed serving in the church!

One of our favorite things about Rexburg is the little yellow trailer that comes out every summer… Karie Anne’s! We made sure that while we lived here, we frequented that place. It’s opening May 2nd this year, and you can bet that I will be up here often to get some with Logan. Since he’ll be up here every day for school, I’ll just have to schedule sessions up there 🙂

While we’ve been living here, our business has grown. It’s a totally different business as we move out of here than what is was when we moved in. We’ve also hosted 2 beginners workshops here and it makes our living room feel special knowing that we’ve been able to host other photographers here.

It’s been here at this apartment that we’ve grown as individuals and as a couple. Our marriage has been tried and tested, but stood. And it has been here that we’ve really felt like we have become our own “family.”

This apartment served us and our needs in so many ways, and now it will give another couple and family a chance to grow and make memories. We are not so excited that Logan will be commuting to school every day, but we are excited to live closer to our favorite frisbee golf course 🙂

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