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The F word

All week I have known what I wanted to blog about for today because of the way some things had gone and the way I was feeling. I had been feeling like the f word… failure. Not the other f word, come on guys- who do you think I am?! This image from one of the mini sessions this year sums up pretty well how I have felt this week.

This week seemed to go one thing after another where I felt like I was running and running towards these goals and ideas, but I got so caught up in getting there faster and faster and faster, that I stopped paying attention to where I really was… and BAM. I fell. Our new website should have been up by now, but I haven’t had the energy to finish the last 2 little things that needed to get done. This blog post went up today without any words- hahaha. I had to stop reading a book halfway through because I just didn’t even like it anymore- this has never happened before for me. Last night, I was trying to finish those things on the website and I accidentally deleted somethings that I couldn’t just get back by hitting the undo button- then I cried.

Today I’m going to let myself look at those “huge” failures I had this week and find ways to make changes. Find ways to make things better, so I can get back up and start running again. Often I think that we believe that we are the only ones who fall, feel discouraged, or are unsure on what we should be doing in our businesses/lives next, because we watch others succeed in areas that we want to succeed. We see others growing in ways that we are unsure about how to grow but we want too!! When you feel like you are alone and no one is feeling those things, I promise you that is wrong. You are telling yourself a lie and you are not alone.

So if today, you have felt like a failure, let yourself take a breath. Give yourself time to refocus. And give yourself some room to fail again, because it will happen but that doesn’t mean that you will always be a failure. Each time you get up and try again, that is not a failure that is fighting. Go on keep on using that f word in your life- fight. Fight to reach what you are striving and working for. Fight through each failure and come out on top.


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